Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Mushrooms, Hawks, and Ducks... Oh my!

It has been raining a lot outside, so we found some mushrooms!
Here is one that looks like a butterfly.

The others are pretty boring, but it's fun trying to find them.

                                         We also found a hawk flying around. It is kind of hard to see because he was flying pretty fast.

Also, a duck. There are hundreds of these turkey ducks in our neighborhood.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to Nature Notes Richard and Ashley. I love the concept for the blog and where you live where a lot of nature to enjoy. Good that somebody got rain as we really need it here in western NY. I love the fungi..hard to identify them, but I think the duck is a muscovy duck. Not the cutest ducks in the world and this one is molting his feathers...Thank you for linking up and I hope to see you again...usually by Tuesday afternoon,I get the post up..Michelle
